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Appendix A. Location, design, and other characteristics of the European marine reserves included in the meta-analysis.

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posted on 2016-08-04, 11:37 authored by J. Claudet, C. W. Osenberg, P. Domenici, F. Badalamenti, M. Milazzo, J. M. Falcón, I. Bertocci, L. Benedetti-Cecchi, J-A. García-Charton, R. Goñi, J. A. Borg, A. Forcada, G. A. de Lucia, Á Pérez-Ruzafa, P. Afonso, A. Brito, I. Guala, L. Le Diréach, P. Sanchez-Jerez, P. J. Somerfield, S. Planes
Location, design, and other characteristics of the European marine reserves included in the meta-analysis.
