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Appendix E. A table of size (in bp) of bands specific of either IG or LG treatments (i.e., bands discriminating IG vs. LG samples in PCA) for the nitrate reducing and free N2-fixing communities.

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posted on 2016-08-10, 14:24 authored by A. K. Patra, L. Abbadie, A. Clays-Josserand, V. Degrange, S. J. Grayston, P. Loiseau, F. Louault, S. Mahmood, S. Nazaret, L. Philippot, F. Poly, J. I. Prosser, A. Richaume, X. Le Roux
A table of size (in bp) of bands specific of either IG or LG treatments (i.e., bands discriminating IG vs. LG samples in PCA) for the nitrate reducing and free N2-fixing communities.
