2 files

Supplement 1. Data about seed dispersal distances and related traits for 576 plant species used in the analyses, and references for data sources.

posted on 2016-08-10, 04:10 authored by Riin Tamme, Lars Götzenberger, Martin Zobel, James M. Bullock, Danny A. P. Hooftman, Ants Kaasik, Meelis Pärtel

File List

DispersalDistanceData.csv (Md5: 9f51b823e51b7570a42a832bed1fbf07)


DispersalDistanceData.csv – Data about seed dispersal distances and related traits for 576 plant species. For some species dispersal distance data is available for different dispersal syndromes and thus 600 data points are included. Missing values are denoted by empty cells. 601 rows (with headers), 22 columns, separator "," , decimal ".".

Columns are as follows:

Species: accepted binomial name (without authorship) of a species, validated using Taxonstand (Cayuela et al. 2012) library

Original: binomial name of a species in a referenced study if different from accepted binomial name

Genus: taxonomic genus of a species

Family: taxonomic family of a species, obtained using Taxonstand (Cayuela et al. 2012) library

Order: taxonomic order of a species, following APG III for angiosperms (The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2009) and Christenhuzs and others (2011) for gymnosperms

Dispersal_syndrome: species’ dispersal syndrome corresponding to the dispersal distance data, derived from the referenced study, categories include ‘animal’, ‘ant’, ‘ballistic’, ‘wind (none)’, ‘wind (special)’

Growth_form: growth form data derived from the referenced study or databases LEDA (Kleyer et al. 2008) and PLANTS (USDA and NRCS 2011), categories include ‘herb’, ‘shrub’, ‘tree’

Seed_weight_(mg): seed mass (mg) data derived from the referenced study or Seed Information Database (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 2008)

Seed_release_height_(m): seed releasing height (m) data derived from the referenced study or LEDA (Kleyer et al. 2008) database

Seed_terminal_velocity_(m/s): seed terminal velocity (m/s) data derived from the referenced study or LEDA (Kleyer et al. 2008) database

Maximum_recorded_dispersal_distance_(m): species’ maximum dispersal distance (m) found in the literature corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

99th_percentile_dispersal_distance_(m): 99th percentile of a species’ dispersal distance distribution (m) corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

90th_percentile_dispersal_distance_(m): 90th percentile of a species’ dispersal distance distribution (m) corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

Mean_dispersal_distance_(m): species’ mean dispersal distance (m) corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

Mode_dispersal_distance_(m): mode of a species’ dispersal distance distribution (m) corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

Median_dispersal_distance_(m): median of a species’ dispersal distance distribution (m) corresponding to a specific dispersal syndrome

Maximum_dispersal_distance_(m): equals to maximum_recorded_dispersal_distance_(m) if given, otherwise equals to 99th_percentile_dispersal_distance_(m) or 90th_percentile_dispersal_distance_(m)

Calculated_maximum_dispersal_distance_(m): when no maximum dispersal distance data was available, we estimated maximum dispersal distance using the formula log10(maximum) = 0.795 + 0.984 * log10(mean); if mean dispersal distance was not available, we used the mode or median of a species’ dispersal distance distribution

Maximum_dispersal_distance_analysis_(m): data used in the analyses, equals to Maximum_dispersal_distance_(m) or (if maximum was not available) to Calculated_maximum_dispersal_distance_(m)

Data_type: denotes whether data source was an observational (‘field’) or modeling (‘model’) study

Region: region of the case study, categories include ‘temperate’ or ‘tropics’

Reference: reference for a data source

