2 files

Supplement 1. Initial litter quality and water-soluble element data by species.

posted on 2016-08-09, 14:04 authored by Laura A. Schreeg, Michelle C. Mack, Benjamin L. Turner

File List

supplemental_litter_leaching_20120822.csv (md5: a5b18924aff40de97816e3a41342150a)


The file contains initial litter quality and water soluble element data listed by species. Initial litter quality data was determined by grinding and homogenizing 10 g of litter (petioles removed) per species. Water soluble element and pH data show the average of three water extracts per species, with the exception of inorganic N that only had two replicates per species. Water soluble element and pH data are from 4 h extracts. All data expressed on a litter mass basis use oven-dried (60°C) mass.

Columns are as follows:

1. Species. Species are referenced by species code. See Appendix A for species names.

2. Total Al concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg Al/g litter.

3. Total C concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg C/g litter.

4. Total Ca concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg Ca/g litter.

5. Total K concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg K/g litter.

6. Total Mg concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg Mg/g litter.

7. Total N concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg N/g litter.

8. Total Na concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg Na/g litter.

9. Total P concentration in the initial litter expressed as mg P/g litter.

10. Percent lignin in initial litter.

11. Water extractable Al expressed as extracted mg Al/g litter.

12. Dissolved organic carbon expressed as extracted mg C/g litter.

13. Water extractable Ca expressed as extracted mg Ca/g litter.

14. Water extractable K expressed as extracted mg K/g litter.

15. Water extractable Mg expressed as extracted mg Mg/g litter.

16. Water extractable Na expressed as extracted mg Na/g litter.

17. Water extractable total N (inorganic + organic N) expressed as extracted mg N/g litter.

18. Water extractable N-NH4 expressed as extracted mg N/g litter.

19. Water extractable N-NO3 expressed as extracted mg N/g litter.

20. Water extractable molybdate reactive phosphorus (commonly referred to as orthophosphate) expressed as extracted mg P/g litter.

21. Water extractable total P (inorganic + organic) expressed as extracted mg P/g litter.

22. Leachate pH.

Missing data

NA indicates ‘not available’.
