3 files

Supplement 1. WinBUGS model specification for European Crossbill and Cerulean Warbler examples in the paper.

posted on 2016-08-05, 05:15 authored by J. Andrew Royle, Marc Kéry

File List

crossbill.txt -- Crossbill example

cerulean.txt -- Cerulean Warbler example


The file crossbill.txt contains the WinBUGS model specification for the Crossbill example in which the model parameters (detection probability, survival, and colonization) are all year-specific. The following variables in the model specification are data that must be supplied by the user:

  • y[i,j,t] are the observations, referenced by a three-dimensional array with indices i (site), j (rep), and t (year).
  • nyear : number of years of data (or primary periods)
  • nsite : number of sites or sample locations
  • nrep : number of replicates per secondary period (within years)
The interested reader can consult the WinBUGS manual for formatting data for input into WinBUGS. The authors used the R library R2WinBUGS.

The file cerulean.txt contains the WinBUGS model specification for the Cerulean Warbler example in the paper. In this example, heterogeneity in model parameters among sites was allowed, in addition to yearly variation. The data structure is slightly different than in the previous example as they are the number of detections per sample unit per year (i.e., summed over all nrep secondary samples).
  • x[i,t] are the observations, referenced by a two-dimensional matrix with indices i (site), and t (year). The model assumes that these are binomial counts based on a sample size of 50 (the number of replicate samples, or sub-samples along the BBS route)
  • nyear : number of years of data (or primary periods)
  • nsite : number of sites or sample locations
