Supplement 1. Competition experiment data set and R code for model 1 (individual level), model 2 (basin level), and model 3 (basin level accounting for heteroscedasticity).
posted on 2016-08-10, 02:33 authored by Jocelyn E. Behm, Devin A. Edmonds, Jason P. Harmon, Anthony R. IvesFile List
Competition_Model_Code.txt (MD5: 70506b9d3752928cbc45b020488d6c33)
Tadpole_Competition_Data.txt (MD5: 1dfe519a33a7f7bfd54ba2ae682e4a66)
Tadpole_Competition_Data.txt: This is tab-delimited data from tadpole competition experiments. Column descriptions below:
- Block = categorical A, B, C, or D corresponding to temporal block (date)
- Start = Start date of experiment
- End = End date of experiment
- Species = categorical F, M, or P corresponding to one of the three species of the focal individual
- Basin = categorical basin code corresponding to one of the 36 basins used in experiment
- Trt = categorical F, M, P, or C corresponding to competition treatment (C = low density / 60 individuals of focal species)
- Examples:
- Species = F, Trt = F → high density F treatment
- Species = F, Trt = P → F individual in P treatment
- Stage = response variable Gosner developmental stage (ranging from 25 to 46 or NA if the individual did not survive)
- Mass = response variable final weight (g) (NA if individual did not survive)
- Length = Body length (mm) (NA if individual did not survive)
- Survival = 1 if individual survived; 0 if individual did not survive until the end of the experiment.
Competition_Model_Code.txt: This file contains R code to perform the following:
- Analyze the tadpole competition data with the three models described in the main text of the manuscript
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