6 files

Supplement 1. Data files containing variables analyzed in this paper and the biomasses of algal genera in each lake.

posted on 2016-08-10, 14:21 authored by James P. Grover, Thomas H. Chrzanowski

File List

EML algae data.txt  -  Algae data from Eagle Mountain Lake

EML diversity data.txt  -  Diversity and other data from Eagle Mountain Lake

JPL algae data.txt  -  Algae data from Joe Pool Lake

JPL diversity data.txt  -  Diversity and other data from Joe Pool Lake

Lake Algae Data.zip  -  All data from both Lakes



EML algae data.txt and JPL algae data.txt – Tab-delimited text files containing biomasses of algal genera, in -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --g C / liter. Each datum is the average of 3 replicate samples. Algal densities were determined by direct counts (inverted microscope), then biovolumes were determined from cell dimensions and these were converted to C content with the approximate conversion of 0.2 pg C / -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --m3. Names of genera are in the first column; remaining columns report biomasses for each sampling date. Columns are headed by the year, and the number of days elapsed since 1 January 1998.

EML diversity data.txt and JPL diversity data.txt – Tab-delimited text files containing data on genus richness and associated variables. Column 1 is sampling Day, reported as number of days from 1 January 1998. Column 2 is Genus Richness (average of 3 replicate samples). Column 3 is SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus, -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --mol P / liter, average of 3 replicates). Column 4 is DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen, -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --mol N / liter, average of 3 replicates). Column 5 is Si (soluble reactive silicon, -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --mol Si / liter, average of 3 replicates). Column 6 is total Algal Biomass (mg C / liter, average of 3 replicates). Column 7 is Mixing Depth (meters, determined from field observations as described in the paper). Column 8 is SD of Lake Level (cm, calculated from data described in the paper). Column 9 is Inflow (106 m3, calculated from data described in the paper). Column 10 is Rain (cm, calculated from data described in the paper). Column 11 is Wind speed (m/s, calculated from data described in the paper).
