7 files

Supplement 1. Data files for the amphibian example in the manuscript, C source code, executable, and associated files for simulating data under the open-model structure, for input to program PRESENCE.

posted on 2016-08-09, 14:27 authored by William L. Kendall, James E. Hines, James D. Nichols, Evan H. Campbell Grant

File List

genpres4_stag.cC source code

rngs.c, rngs.hsupplemental files for random number generation.

genpres4_stag.exe – Executable of the program above.

data_examples.zip – three amphibian data files used in the example

readme.pdf – Explanation of files and their use


genpres4_stag.c, along with rngs.c and rngs.h, generate simulated data under the open model described in the manuscript. Amphibian data used in the example are located in data_examples.zip. All files and their uses are explained in readme.pdf.
