2 files

Supplement 1. MycoFlor database containing information on the mycorrhizal status of 1758 plant species, the source of the information, and whether the source is considered reliable.

posted on 2016-08-10, 02:21 authored by Stefan Hempel, Lars Götzenberger, Ingolf Kühn, Stefan G. Michalski, Matthias C. Rillig, Martin Zobel, Mari Moora

File List

MycoFlor.txt (MD5: ab88d1ee06fd54545b5411a23b2ccae8)  --   The MycoFlor database


MycoFlor.txt  MycoFlor database containing information on the mycorrhizal status of 1758 plant species, the source of the information, and whether the source is considered reliable; Mycorrhizal status types are named according to Smith and Read (2008): ABM arbutoid mycorrhiza, AM Arbuscular mycorrhiza, ECM ectomycorrhiza, EEM ectendomycorrhiza, ERM ericoid mycorrhiza, MTM monotropoid, M(endo) mycorrhizal colonization by septated (not arbuscular mycorrhizal) fungi, NM non-mycorrhizal, ORM orchid mycorrhiza; No. ref gives the number of primary references used to assign the mycorrhizal status of a plant calculated by tracing back the successive citations; References are given in detail in Appendix D; indexed indicates whether the source of information came from a journal listed in ISI, EBSCO, SCOPUS, CABI or a book/book chapter of an international publisher as a proxy to data quality.
