3 files

Supplement 1. S-PLUS code for estimating parameters and calculating risk metrics from a time series.

posted on 2016-08-04, 23:48 authored by Elizabeth E. Holmes, William F. Fagan

File List

S-Plus code:


All files are in ASCII text.


Following are S-Plus files (in ascii format) to estimate parameters and risk metrics from a time series using the Dennis-Holmes method.

The file DHMethod.txt contains code to estimate -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. -- using running sums and -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --2 using the slope method from a time series of counts.

The file riskmetrics.txt contains code to estimate risk metrics given estimates of -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. -- and -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --2. The following metrics are calculated: confidence intervals on -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. --, probability of extinction with 95% confidence intervals, probability of decline with 95% confidence intervals, probability of observing extinction, and probability of observing a given decline.
