3 files

Supplement 1. Software for Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data using the (extended) incidence function model.

posted on 2016-08-04, 23:56 authored by Cajo J. F. ter Braak, Rampal S. Etienne

File List

fmetapop_exe_with_data.zip -- zip file containing executables and example data
fmetapop_source_code.zip -- zip file containing c source code.


The file fmetapop_exe_with_data.zip contains two compiled programs for use under Microsoft Windows to carry out Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data. Both programs implement the (extended) Hanski incidence function model, one with and the other without the rescue effect. There are two examples with simulated data, one of which mimics the tree frog case study of the paper. Readme-files describe the program and examples.
The file fmetapop_source_code.zip contains the ANSI C source code for the program. The source has been tested using the Borland C++ compiler version 5.02.
