4 files

Supplement 1. Source code in R for estimating logistic resource selection probability function and the data set used in the paper.

posted on 2016-08-05, 04:26 authored by Subhash R. Lele, Jonah L. Keim

File List

LogisticRSPFEstimation.txt -- R source code
goatdata.txt -- used points
goatavailable.txt -- random points from the available distribution


The ‘LogisticRSPFEstimation.txt’ is an R program that estimates the regression coefficients for the Logistic resource selection probability function given the used and available data points. The ‘goatdata.txt’ provides the covariates associated with the used points for the goat data analysis described in the paper. The ‘goatavailable.txt’ provides the covariates associated with the random points obtained from the available distribution. These two files are input for the R program.
