13 files

Supplement 1. Visual Basic source code containing the algorithms described in this paper.

posted on 2016-08-05, 05:31 authored by Jon S. Horne, Edward O. Garton, Stephen M. Krone, Jesse S. Lewis

File List

All files at once

BBridgeCode.zip -- zip file containing Visual Basic executable, source code, and example input file.

Individual files

BrownianBridgeExecutable.exe – Executable Visual Basic program
ProjBrownianBridge.vbp.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
ProjBrownianBridge.vbw.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
FrmBBAnalysis.frm.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
FrmGridExtent.frm.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
FrmOpenFileBB.frm.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
FrmSaveASBrownBridge.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
Mod1DMinimization.bas.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
ModFileManagement.bas.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
ModPublicVariablesBB.bas.txt – Source code for Visual Basic program
ExampleInput.txt  – Example input file


BrownianBridgeExeecutable.exe calculates the utilization distribution (i.e., probability function) based on temporally explicit location data. Algorithms are described in the original paper. The user loads a location file containing tab-delimited columns representing the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and time of each location. The input file should have column headings such as “x-coordinate”, “y-coordinate” and “RunningClock”.  An example input data file, ExampleInput.txt, is available from the file list. Output grid is a text file containing x and y coordinates of the grid along with associated probability-of-occurrence at that grid location.
