13 files

Supplement 1. Scripts and multi-colony Atlantic Puffin data for running the mixed model for survival at the multi-population scale.

posted on 2016-08-05, 10:50 authored by V. Grosbois, M. P. Harris, T. Anker-Nilssen, R. H. McCleery, D. N. Shaw, B. J. T. Morgan, O. Gimenez

File List

marrayp1_Fair.dat  - M-arrays for the first trap-dependence age class in Fair Isle
marrayp1_May.dat  - M-arrays for the first trap-dependence age class in Isle of May
marrayp1_Rost.dat  - M-arrays for the first trap-dependence age class in Røst
marrayp1_Skomer.dat  - M-arrays for the first trap-dependence age class in Skomer
marrayp2_Fair.dat  - M-arrays for the second trap-dependence age class in Fair Isle
marrayp2_May.dat  - M-arrays for the second trap-dependence age class in Isle of May
marrayp2_Rost.dat  - M-arrays for the second trap-dependence age class in Røst
marrayp2_Skomer.dat  - M-arrays for the second trap-dependence age class in Skomer
SST.dat  - covariate values = sea surface temperature in the vicinity of the breeding colonies
multipoppuffins.R  - R script which reads in the data and calls WinBUGS
multipoppuffins.bug  - The WinBUGS script which runs the model with sea surface temperature (SST) as a covariate and both global- and local-scale variances
multipoppuffins.zip  - All files at once


All the .dat files are text files containing the data, in the form of M-arrays, described and analyzed in the original paper; multipoppuffins.R and multipoppuffins.bug are the scripts with which the model described in the original paper and in Appendix A can be built and fitted to these data.
